Category: Motivation (Page 2 of 2)


Ir dienas, kad padoties ir aizliegts. /M. Zvīdriņš

Grāmata. Pasaka. Stāsts. Dzīve.

Es neizdzīvoju visu haipu par un ap. Tomēr dzīve man tika devusi norādes, lai kaut uz nelielu brīdi, bet dzirdētu daļu no šī stāsta dzīvē. Parunātos pāris minūtes. Uzdotu jautājumu, kuru vairs neatceros. Protams, neatceros arī atbildi. Tas bija pirms grāmatas. Tagad manā īpašumā ir 498. grāmata no 1. metiena 1000 eksemplāriem. Daļēji pilnais stāsts. Pasaka.

Ziedonis kādreiz teica – kad Jūs izlasāt, tad tie vairs nav mani vārdi. Tie ir jūsu vārdi, jūsu uztvere un sapratne. Tas ko es ar to domāju vairs nav svarīgi.

Paldies, Mārtiņ, par vārdiem.

Tad nu…

Šī ir pasaka par Mākoņkilometru tirgotāju. Visiem tiem, kuri ir aizmirsuši kā ir jāsapņo. Visiem tiem skilleriem, kuri ir aizmirsuši, ka dzīve dāvā daudz vairāk nekā entās stundas monotoni veicot vienu un to pašu darbību vēlreiz un vēlreiz un vēlreiz un vēlreiz un vēlreiz un vēlreiz un vēlreiz un vēlreiz un vēlreiz un… vēlreiz. (Ja vien, tas netiek veikts kāda, hmm, interesantāka mērķa vārdā.) Tiem, kuri vēlas zināt, kas ir neatlaidība. Dzīvībai bīstama neatlaidība. Tiem, kurus aizrauj patiesi stāsti, drūmi stāsti un stāsti ar beigām. Stāsti ar pieturām. Tiem, kuriem nepietiek spēka. Tiem, kuriem pietiek spēka. Piedzīvojumu meklētājiem. Tiem, kuri dzīvo pēc kodeksa. Tiem, kuri ir zaudējuši. Tiem, kuri ir zuduši paši. Tiem, kuri ir atradušies.

Ha! Līdz vārda izlasīšanai grāmatā, es nezināju, kura spēle bija pakļāvusi Mārtiņu tik traki, ka no tās bija grūti tikt vaļā. Izlasot nosaukumu es sapratu. Tā ir to gadu, iespējams, populārākā MMO. Es arī biju tās varā, iespējams ilgāk, nekā pašam patiktu atzīt. Tā arī ir spēle, kas ir mainījusi dzīves uztveri un dzīvi ik vienam tās rubas spēlmanim, kuru es pazīstu. Iespējams, tieši tur pavadītās stundas iedzen ko tādu… kas paliek.

Grāmata ir interesants notikumu virknējums. Interesanti ir tas, ka interesantākās grāmatas, ko savā dzīvē esmu lasījis, ir tikušas rakstītas līdzīgi. Notikumi mētājas no viena uz otru, līdz saplūst vienotā stāstā un top skaidrs, ka katra mazākā nianse bija tur, kur tai bija jābūt. Sākums liekas neloģisks, beigas ģeniālas. Sākums ir lēns, bet jo vairāk lapu cilvēks pāršķir, jo ātrāks un aizraujošāks kļūst stāts. Tas ievelk sevī. Liek just līdzi.

Mans paziņa man deva padomu – pirms tu lasi grāmatu, uzzini ko vairāk par autoru. Tas var mainīt domas. Tās bija veiksmīgas sakritības, kas man atļāva paskatīties uz autoru un dzirdēt viņa balsi pirms grāmatas. Vērtību izpratni. Improvizācijas dotumus. Dzīves uztveri. Attieksmi. Stāju. Es nezinu, kam Mārtiņš rakstīja šo grāmatu. Es tikai zinu, ka pirmajā lapā ir vieta, kur uzrakstīt novēlējumu ik vienam eksemplāra īpašniekam. Šī nav grāmata visiem. Šī ir grāmata tam tūkstotim, kuri autoru jau ir iepazinuši.

Turklāt es nespētu sabojāt grāmatas lasītprieku ar spoileri, ja teiktu, ka grāmatas beigas ir grāmatas sākums. To sapratīs tikai tie, kuri izlasīs darbu no vāka līdz vākam. Meistarīgi, Mārtiņ, meistarīgi.

Ir jāiet!



On work.

“The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.” /Vince Thomas Lombardi (1913-1970)

To those who don’t know who Vince was – ‘one of the greats’. Vince T. Lombardi was an American Football Coach and is best known as the Head Coach of the Green Bay Packers in 1960s. In his time with the team he led them for 3 straight and 5 total NFL Championships within 7 (!!!) years! Additionally he won the first two Super Bowls in years ’66 and ’67. Impressive indeed.

Now, I see a lot of people around me that want some kind of success in their lives. It doesn’t have to be professional success specifically. Though, work for most of us takes A LOT of our time. So, the question is – what are you going to do about it? Are you going to complain your every working hour about how shit everything is? Are you going to do the job badly, because of a variety of excuses? They pay me too less, this is not my business, this job sucks, I could do better if I wanted – I don’t have to do this. I have seen and heard all of this, heck, at some part of my life – I had some of the these thoughts and questions myself. I didn’t know any better. I surely do now.

Some of my teachers back in Secondary Professional School used to say: “How are you expecting to do the job for the money if you can’t do it properly for free?” Back then I didn’t understand the importance of this question. Now it has become one of my corner stones in work ethic. Do your job as best as you can – always. It doesn’t matter if or how much you get paid to do it. As most of things in our lives – this is a decision you simply have to make! You have to decide that, from this day forward, I will do my best work I can. Be it working at your employer, your business, solopreneur, cleaning your bathroom, mowing your lawn, helping your neighbour or random stranger. Make a decision to do the best work. Always.

This takes a discipline and this disciplinary practice will convert also to other parts of your life! As I mentioned above – we spend A LOT of our time working and when we are not working (as in employment for money) we do other kinds of labour to keep ourselves going, right? So, the work doesn’t go anywhere. Go with the Nature – accept work as a part of life (which it is). Be positive! As work consumes our waking lives – don’t fight against it… This is not how our World works! Flow with the stream. This brings us to second decision which should be made simultaneously:

Enjoy what you are doing. There is no escaping doing the job, so you might as well make best of it and enjoy it, learn from it.

  1. Make a decision to do your work as good as you can.
  2. Make a decision to enjoy whatever labour you are performing.

This is what makes all the difference between normal everyday people and people like Vince T. Lombardi. They have made the decision. Their decision is good work ethic. Their decision is to demand best of themselves and if you want to work with them – demand best of their peers. You don’t have to become ‘one of the greats’. Not everyone can, not everyone must, but we can learn from them and make OUR everyday lives better. Heck, maybe one day you will also become “one of the greats’.

Decide and enjoy,


Uniting cultures.

There are many things that happen while playing basketball. There are far many more things that happen while coaching a youth team. That’s when 1am, 2am thoughts happen, when comes the nights of no sleep. Mind is grinding constantly. Especially after games. I am not in this for anything, only thing why I am in this – to prepare the youth for what is coming. Basketball, well, for me it is the perfect game to do it, to teach. Game of intelligence, skill, ability, heart, respect, diversity, unity. BC Hellenen – the organization which stands for every single aspect of this beautiful game. Not only in court, also outside the court. Uniting cultures.


  1. the state of being united or joined as a whole
  2. (mathematics) the number one

There is this thing about unity. Standing strong together. Leaving yourself behind for greater good to others. Many becoming one. Giving your best for others. Being there to learn, to grow and to teach. I always make goals to achieve and hammer out principles to follow through. I also did that when starting to coach U16-2. One of the principles I believed, but never fully experienced till today – “experience and lessons the youth have to understand has priority over winning games”. We lost today, to win tomorrow. To grow, to learn. To unite in downfall. I can’t say the outcome if I did something differently, but I know the outcome that became the reality. Team became stronger the same moment. Players grew mentally. This is why I love basketball, this is why I love to coach. Winning the game today wasn’t as important as me wanting youth to understand.

Yes, opponent bench was longer. Yes, we made mistakes. Yes, there were failures. Yes, we lost. That is just little pieces of life and basketball. There are pieces missing from a regular spectator’s point of view – growth of the team. One time loss, long time win. Love those kids.

Season is long and many lessons have to be learned. For life. It always amazes me how basketball is so close to real life. Maybe because it is life. Life is a game and you got to play it. Basketball is a game within the game of life, you choose to play it. In the end – they are similar. Things I have learned just through the game, through everything around the game. And all those things you can give further, teach others, participate in growth of this amazing culture. Culture of basketball. Culture, where many cultures come together and unite for the love of the game. Where you train your “I” just to go in field and throw it away – so many can become one. You train yourself to get to know your team mates and connect in the ways that are only possible on field. Five players, one heartbeat.

See you in court.


Forget excuses!

“Winners don’t make excuses, when the other side plays the game.” /Harvey Specter “Suits”

In life comes moments when you fail more than usually. No matter what you are doing – outcome just isn’t in favour of you. Then there are moments when you fail because of somebody else. Those are the moments many of us start to make excuses. I have done it, I have seen other people do(-ing) it and I can bet you have done it too, maybe even still doing it. STOP.

Excuses don’t produce solutions, they drag you down and degrade your spirit and good characteristics. Instead – learn the game. If somebody succeeds by blocking you, taking opportunity that was supposedly meant to be yours – they are just better in game you are playing. Sure sometimes someone get lucky, but mostly it is how good you know the game and how much you hate losing.

“You have to hate losing more than you love winning. /Will Smith”

This is the truth. You lose to someone when:

1. He/She is better at the game.
2. He/She hates losing more than you do.
3. Both.

What can you do about it? Shut up, set your goals and priorities and work on your game. If your boss, coach, superior or whoever asks what is going on – admit that you failed and go learn the game, do the work. If you keep losing, if you feel like – “why I have to do this?”, if you can’t get your work done – YOUR GOALS AND PRIORITIES are not set right.

You either have set the wrong goals or you don’t see means of your current position to achieving the goals you have set. Simple as that. Game is the same for everyone else, rules are the same for everyone else. I learned that through basketball and it proved to be true in every aspect in life. No matter – professional athlete, entrepreneur, blue/white collar worker, unemployed, student, coach etcetera. Game is the same in your field for all.

One may be in bad situation. Only one can get him/herself out of this situation and achieve the life he/she want.

1. Set goals and priorities.
2. Learn the game.
3. Play hard.
4. Achieve.

No excuses.


Can’t give more than 100%?

Some time ago, like last week or one before that, I read some views on “how you can’t give more than 100%” (sadly, I lost the link on that post and cannot share…) where author was pointing out the fact, that it is only possible to give just 100% at any given moment and that folks (motivators, gurus, coaches) saying to give 110%, 120% or even 121% are wrong, because it is only possible to give as much as 100%.

The point is fair enough and physically it wouldn’t really make much sense to be able to give over 100%, right? For example, if you have a 1 Liter bowl it would be dumb to think that you can pour 1,21 Liter water in it and bowl will hold it. No, it will overflow! This 1 Liter is it’s capacity of 100% and it can’t contain 121% of liquid, silly! This point is legit indeed.

Now, it got me thinking though, how we humans deal with things and again I managed to remember some things out of my own life. I have this friend who once studied in a University. She once told me that she was getting some 110% or 115% on her tests out of 100%. I was like – but how is that possible? She explained – once you are done with the standard test part which will give you 100% you can go extra mile and write about topics (or answer questions) about stuff you’ve learned on your own, outside of required curriculum.

Here is another example out of my school life. Our teachers were strictly on point giving grades 8 (out of 10) if you did your test 100% right. They thought it is not worth a 10/10 if you just learn what they give to you. So we asked what we would have to do to get a 10? They added some random questions at the end and if you got the time and could answer them – you would get  a 10/10. Needless to say, it would require extra work, extra reading and extra research out of school program in order to know answers on those extra questions – because they were random every single time. Once in a while someone (who possessed the random knowledge)  could answer them and raise the bar.

I think these two samples are enough understand how we humans function and build our lives on doing more. Success will come to those going that extra mile. Random stuff will always be in your way for you to prove that you are better, smarter, more prepared, readier than someone else and you are ready to take opportunity presented to you.

That is called giving 121%. Always doing extra. Bowl will get full with 100%, but you will be able to get another bowl by doing 121%. And meanwhile someone else will fill 10 full bowls you will be at 12 full bowls and starting your 13th. And when the time will come, when the opportunity will present itself before you – you will be ahead with your 2.1 bowls ready to grab it, ready to put that extra knowledge and “know-how” in work. Make it happen. Be ready. Give 121%.



“Before you try to change the World, go three times through your own house.” /Chinese Proverb

Change the World. It seems that is what we need. Despite the fact we are at very good point at the moment – what will future bring if we continue this way? The way of rush, money, needless stuff, spending more and more, producing more and more. One have to just stop for a moment to realize what we are doing as a society, as a civilization. Where do we start the change?

As the proverb suggests – go through your house three times… What does that mean? Simply put, get to know yourself before doing anything else. Chinese are not the only ones who has understood the importance of starting journey with oneself. Socrates before 2400(!) years put it in two words: “Know thyself.” So simple yet it seems that so few do it nowadays… Around some 100 years ago Gandhi started a movement using this approach: “Be the change you want to see in the World.” So, nothing new there… or? One I know for sure, I had to read a lot and speak with wiser and more experienced people to realize and learn importance of “knowing thyself”.

Now, stop at this very moment – take a blank piece of paper (or whatever writing space you prefer), a pen and write a letter to yourself. It will take a few minutes (maybe longer), but it will get you started. Write about your feelings, emotions, visions, experiences. Ask yourself questions. Write yourself out. Get creative. Try to “know thyself”. This is the key to growth.

Start with describing your childhood. What do you think about your parents (or guardians). How did they raise you? How do you feel about that? What did you like or didn’t like? How their parental style affected your development? How do you feel about teachers and mentors in your life? What do you think about your personal growth as a human being? How do you teach your kids (or how do you think you will teach them)? Who has the power over you? Over who do you have the power?

Go on, keep writing. Keep getting to know yourself. This is just a start of your new journey.


From in to out.

“In order to control myself I must first accept myself by going with and not against my nature.” /Bruce Lee

Many want to alter the world and as many want to do it from outside – in. Things don’t happen that way. Flowers, trees grow from inside to outside, beings from eggs grow from inside out, humans grow from IN of a mother and come OUT in this World. How can you change World starting with outside?

Everything starts with realization that you must alter your inner-self in order to alter something outer. To alter your inner-self you must understand who you are. In this moment. Understand and ACCEPT that you are who you are because of what you did in the past. You are now here because of your mindset, viewpoint, temperament, surroundings. Taken this course of life because that is who you are naturally.

Once understanding takes place of ones nature – one can take oneself in control and start growing from inside to outside. Flow in the right direction. By flowing with nature of oneself and taking inner being in control – outer world will alter immediately. Change is inside every one of us.


No tomorrow.

“Live like you were dying. Love because you are.” /Mark Green

It is funny sometimes – we think that everything will last. Despite the history of our World, our ancestors, us. Despite of all that is going on right next to us, around us. That is human nature I guess. Hope, belief and love keeps us going. And in period that is yet most peaceful of human history – get us sleepy. Recently I came to realization (which can vary in future, of course) that the most important drive becomes from love in our lives, if we realize that it can end at any moment. Once you find the strength in yourself to love, nothing seems impossible or too hard. It turns on a force that pulls you forward. No more pushing yourself, no more excuses, no more hardness in ones mind. Once you find the love for yourself, for people next to you and even your annoying neighbour… for the World – that is the moment one can realize how beautiful life can be. It opens oneself to new experiences and horizons. For me it comes with one more condition though – knowing that this love might as well be the only thing that is left after everything is done. Evil never lasts.

We ALL will die. Eventually. That is the unforgivable truth of our World, There can be speculations about us going to other dimensions, afterlife or even about rebirth, but no one knows it for sure. One is clear all the way – at some point of our life, sooner or later, we will leave our body behind. We will die. It seems that many people don’t realize that. They live like everything will last forever, but it won’t. They live like there is time, but there isn’t. They dream and postpone or even abandon their dreams because there will be that perfect moment in life where everyone can make their “dreams come true”, but there won’t be that perfect moment or time. We will die. With or without our dreams fulfilled – we will die. There is but one moment in this life to be lived. It is NOW and it is HERE together with people around you. There is but one person who can change yourself – take a look in the mirror. That is why these lines are being written. There might not be another time for that.

Stop fucking around. There is no tomorrow, There is no “sometime in the future” with rainbows and pretty butterflies shitting cookies all over the place. There is this moment and YOU with all your being in time and space and people around you. Find that love within yourself, Find that drive and make it happen. Not tomorrow, not one week from now. Make it happen this very moment. World is beautiful and unforgiving. Bring in this world the best of you. Love, feel, create, live. Otherwise it will be one more wasted lifetime.


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